Local Election: Meet the Candidates – Ryde, Parramatta Hunters Hill & Lane Cove Councils

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A local government election will be held on Saturday 14th September 2024.

We contacted the candidates running for City of Ryde, City of Parramatta, Lane Cove and Hunters Hill to find out more about who will be representing us in the years to come as well as learn about their policies and plans for the local area.

In conjunction with the Ryde District Mums Facebook Group, we developed a set of questions to ask the candidates.

All candidates who listed their email addresses on the NSW Electoral Commission website were contacted and received the same questions. Any candidate who has not yet responded may do so at any time and we will add you to this list – please contact info@rydedistrictmums.com.au.

Ryde District Mums is not aligned with any party or candidate.

Not sure which ward you are in? Use the address lookup tool to find your council or ward.

For info on where to nab yourself a democracy sausage sizzle click here.

For information on early (pre-poll) voting locations click here.


City of Ryde


Mayoral Candidates

Roy Maggio, Independent

Trenton Brown, Liberal

Bernard Purcell, Labor

Tina Kordrostami, The Greens


West Ward

Justin Li, Liberal

Kathy Tracey, Liberal

Bec Cooke, Labor

Karen Alden, Independent

Peter Kim, Independent


East Ward

Penny Pedersen, Labor

Sophie Lara-Watson, Liberal

Roy Maggio, Independent

Greg Chippendale, Independent


Central Ward

Lyndal Howison, Labor

Milo Kuga, Labor

Daniel Han, Liberal

Councillor Shweta Deshpande, Liberal

Nicole Rizk, Independent

Louis George, Independent

Tina Kordrostami, The Greens


City of Parramatta


Mayoral Candidates

Parramatta does not have a popularly elected mayor. The mayor is chosen by the chamber after the election.


Parramatta Ward

Charles Rios, Libertarian Party


Epping Ward

Cr Sreeni Pillamarri, Liberal

Natalie Ng, Community Champions

Cameron MacLean, Labor


North Rocks Ward

Heba Kassoua, Labor

Dr Hayley French, Labor

Justin Mulder, Community Champions


Dundas Ward

Anthony Ellard, Labor

Clr Kellie Darley, Community Champions


Rosehill Ward

Jayne Christian – Community Champions


Hunters Hill Council

Mayoral Candidate

Zac Miles, Liberal Party


South Ward

Zac Miles, Liberal Party


North Ward

Lane Cove Council


Central Ward

Bridget Kennedy, Community Independent