Bernard Purcell, Labor – Mayoral Candidate

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What is your name, political party and electorate?

Bernard Purcell, Labor – Mayoral candidate

Are you running for mayor and if so, why?

I have loved being a Councillor over the past 7 years and feel it is time for me to lead a Labor team, in Ryde, that offers stable stewardship and a progressive government for all residents and businesses.

Two terms as a Councillor in the City of Ryde have given me the experience and background to be your Mayor.

Tell us about your background both personally and professionally

I was a Registered Nurse after leaving school and then got my BA Comms at UTS.

I have been a media producer, and teacher, for many decades and I currently run a media production business based in Ryde.

I live with my wife in Gladesville and love the area for its parks and, of course, the Field of Mars Reserve.

What are some things you love about your electorate?

Ryde is a fabulous example of multiculturalism and tolerance. Each community group brings so much to our immediate society.

Our parks, fields and open spaces are remarkable, adding to our community and the overall amenity.

We are blessed with two rivers at our boundaries that add so much to our lives and opportunities.

What do you believe are the 3 main issues affecting your electorate and why?

  1. The failure to progress the Heart of Ryde Civic Centre precinct during the last term of government is an opportunity missed. I promise to make this a priority over the coming term and find ways to realise it that is financially responsible.
  2. The town centres of Eastwood and West Ryde should have been redeveloped sooner, but again, nothing has happened during the last term. The development of Eastwood and West Ryde will be undertaken in the next term.
  3. The City of Ryde needs to respond to the housing crisis, and cost of living, by working with the State Government in finding the best outcomes for increased housing in Ryde. Appropriate residential development near metro stations is key to easing the pressure on development in the suburbs.

What are the 3 key things you plan to achieve if elected?

Apart from the above-mentioned goals:

  1. Increased pedestrian safety across the City of Ryde – especially at night and especially for women and children.
  2. Increased transparency of Government where everyone is aware of what the council is doing and where their rates are going.
  3. Continuing Labor’s progressive policies for climate action and environmental awareness – in our homes, our waste management, our green areas, our waterways and for EV chargers to be installed across the city.

What about your long-term vision for the area?

My long-term vision for the City of Ryde, which is shared by my Labor colleagues, is to get things done after 3 years of languishing in a stupor under the Liberals.

Major projects must be invigorated and developed as soon as possible so the people of Ryde can enjoy the amenities that they deserve – including a world-class auditorium and the development of our major shopping precincts.

The Labor team in Ryde will be a progressive government that reflects the changing needs of all of those in the electorate and responds to those needs in measured and significant policy development.

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