They say the best things in life are free and GUESS WHAT? It’s true! Check out this great list of things to do locally that won’t cost a cent!
1. Visit a local library
Many of our local libraries not only loan books but some also loan CDs, DVDs and toys. Read our article about every local library and all their kid-friendly features!
2. Shopping centre play areas
3. Head to the playground
Head to any one of the dozens of fantastic local playgrounds in our area. Maybe even pack a picnic! We’ve got most of the local parks listed here.
4. Take a hike
Fancy some fresh air and exercise? Then a bush walk is what you’re looking for and we have a great list of local ones here.
5. Go for a scooter or bike ride
Here’s an energy burner for everyone. Check out our list of scooter/bike paths here.
6. Put your swimmers on!
Feeling warm and need to cool off? One of these local water parks should do the trick.
7. Head to the markets
How about having a wander around a local market. Some have musicians, others have play areas – there’s something for everyone! We have compiled a list here.
8. Go fish
Have you ever gone fishing at one of the wharves along Parramatta River? Here’s some info about fishing in Sydney harbour.
9. Visit the Ducks
It’s a rite of passage – every kid loves feeding ducks. And I think we adults don’t mind it either..! We’ve listed some local spots to head to, BUT we also have some important tips about caring for these gorgeous animals. Check it out here.
10. Visit a Playgroup
We ADORE playgroup – a place for kids to enjoy new toys, for adults and kids to make new friends, enjoy a nice morning out and connect with the community. Check out our comprehensive listing of local playgroups here.
Do you have a favourite free activity that we haven’t listed? Send us an email and let us know! Let us know here.