Human Interactions Australia

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27/05/2019 - 31/05/2020
12:00 am

Human Interactions Australia

Who are we?

Understanding people to influence performance is our cornerstone principle.

We provide opportunities for organisations to develop their workplace communication skills, helping them to be more successful. Having effective workplace communication strategies improves employee engagement, builds stronger teams, increases sales, positively enhances company culture and produces amazing customer experiences. Your organisation must make the most out of every human interaction that takes place internally and externally. We have got stuck behind screens and forgotten about people. Your organisation’s success is a direct result of the level of your employee’s engagement, team effectiveness, company culture and client experience – these are all driven by effective communication skills.

What We Do

Some example projects are:

  • DiSC profiling to enhance communication skills
  • GROW Model for coaching
  • How To Present With Impact
  • Facilitate discussions between teams
  • Sales Training
  • Customer Experience Training
  • How to Give Feedback
  • How to Run Effective Meetings

Phone: 82796955
Facebook: Interactions Australia – Craig Bulmer
Address: Suite 308, 377 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia


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